Entrepreneurship and Correlation in the Bible Viewed from the Perspective of Christian Education

  • Johanes Kurniawan STT Ekumene Jakarta
Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Christian Education, Bible, Christian faith


Entrepreneurship is not a new term that we hear. It has been around since the 17th century. Even since hundreds of years ago humans tried to meet the needs of life with entrepreneurship, be it farming, farming, hunting to trade well with the barter method to using money as a medium of exchange. The context in this study is according to the perspective of Christian religious education and its correlation in the Bible because the perspective of most Christians does not understand the concept of entrepreneurship in the Bible. The method in this study with a qualitative approach is accompanied by several sources from library research and other primary sources. Hopefully the writing of this article can open the perspective of the reader's paradigm for the learning needs of Christian Religious Education. The Bible as the word of God as well as a guide for Christians must be maintained and maintained its truth values so that entrepreneurs run by Christians do not violate the principles of faith set forth in it. Through entrepreneurship activities can create new jobs and also as a form of worship and work of Christians in the eyes of God

How to Cite
Johanes Kurniawan. (2024). Entrepreneurship and Correlation in the Bible Viewed from the Perspective of Christian Education. Asian Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Science, 4(02), 716-725. Retrieved from https://ajmesc.com/index.php/ajmesc/article/view/794