The Influence of Trust on Contract Management

An Experience from Tanzania Context

  • Martha J. Mushi Procurement Officer, The University of Dodoma, Tanzania
  • MARTHA J. MUSHI Procurement Officer, The University of Dodoma, P.O. Box 259, Dodoma, Dodoma 41114, TanzaniaProcurement Officer, The University of Dodoma, Tanzania
Keywords: Trust; Contract Management


The study determined the influence of trust on contract management at the University of Dodoma. The study employed a case study research design and involved 118 participants. The data were collected using questionnaires and interview methods. Quantitative data analysis was used. Quantitative data were subjected are subjected to statistical analysis using computer-based software, Statistical Package for Social Scientists (SPSS) version 20. The findings revealed that trust has statistical significance with contract management. The multiple linear regression findings revealed that trust is significantly associated with contract management, which implies the need for improving certainty, credibility, intimacy, cooperation, certainty, shared goals, reliability and self-orientation to ensure trust in contract management. Therefore, the study recommends that the University of Dodoma have to improve degree of trust in contract management regarding the procurement process. This enhances user knowledge of what to do to ensure effective contract implementation during the procurement process. The University of Dodoma should create an environment that enables users, PMU staff and suppliers to work friendly by providing a communication platform whereby people can communicate and share information. As a result, it builds trust and shows commitment.

Author Biography

MARTHA J. MUSHI, Procurement Officer, The University of Dodoma, P.O. Box 259, Dodoma, Dodoma 41114, TanzaniaProcurement Officer, The University of Dodoma, Tanzania

Martha Mushi is a diligent student and dedicated professional specializing in Procurement and Supply Chain Management, currently balancing her academic pursuits with her role as an employee at The University of Dodoma. Martha's journey in procurement and supply chain management is fueled by her passion for streamlining processes, fostering innovation, and driving organizational excellence. As a student, Martha demonstrates a strong commitment to academic excellence and continuous learning. Pursuing her studies in Procurement and Supply Chain Management, she is enthusiastic about delving into the intricacies of supply chain optimization, strategic sourcing, and supplier relationship management. Martha actively participates in coursework, engages in research projects, and seeks out opportunities to expand her knowledge and skills in the field.

In addition to her academic endeavors, Martha serves as a valuable member of the procurement team at The University of Dodoma. Leveraging her expertise and enthusiasm for the field, she contributes to the university's procurement processes, ensuring the timely acquisition of goods and services to support its academic mission. Martha's attention to detail, analytical mindset, and strong communication skills make her a trusted asset within the procurement department. Martha's dual roles as a student and an employee reflect her commitment to personal and professional growth. She embraces challenges with a positive attitude, continuously seeking ways to enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and sustainability in procurement and supply chain management practices. Martha's dedication to excellence and her passion for making a difference position her as a future leader in the field.

Outside of her academic and professional pursuits, Martha is actively involved in community service and extracurricular activities. She believes in giving back to society and contributing to positive change, demonstrating her values of integrity, teamwork, and social responsibility. As Martha continues her journey in Procurement and Supply Chain Management, she remains focused on expanding her knowledge, honing her skills, and making meaningful contributions to both academia and the workforce. With her drive, determination, and vision for excellence, Martha is poised to achieve success and make a lasting impact in the field of procurement and supply chain management.


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How to Cite
Martha J. Mushi, & Hamisi K. Sama. (2024). The Influence of Trust on Contract Management: An Experience from Tanzania Context. Asian Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Science, 4(02), 23-34. Retrieved from