The Influence of Adversity Quotient, Social Environment, and Entrepreneurial Intention on the Competitive Advantage of Students and Graduates

  • Hadiahti Utami Business Administration Department, Semarang State Polythecnic
  • Sri Eka Sadriatwati Business Administration Department, Semarang State Polythecnic
  • Khairul Saleh Business Administration Department, Semarang State Polythecnic
  • Subandi Subandi Business Administration Department, Semarang State Polythecnic
  • Umar Farouk Business Administration Department, Semarang State Polythecnic
Keywords: Adversity Quotient, Social Environment, Entrepreneurial Intentions, Competitive Advantage


This study aims to examine the competitive advantage of graduates of the Business Administration study programme, Semarang State Polytechnic by knowing the influence of Adversity Quotient, Social Environment, and Entrepreneurial Intention (Techonopreneur) which is a reference in the current era. This research uses a quantitative approach with explanatory research type. The data used is primary data with the help of questionnaire instruments distributed to the entire population, namely business administration study programme students, while the sampling technique used in this study is the Purposive Sampling Method. The number of research samples was 100 samples from the total population of student respondents who had received entrepreneurship courses or had attended entrepreneurship seminars/workshops. The analysis method used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS version 25. The output model in this study is expected to make a positive contribution to students so that they have competitiveness in the national and global job markets.

How to Cite
Hadiahti Utami, Sri Eka Sadriatwati, Khairul Saleh, Subandi, S., & Umar Farouk. (2023). The Influence of Adversity Quotient, Social Environment, and Entrepreneurial Intention on the Competitive Advantage of Students and Graduates. Asian Journal of Management, Entrepreneurship and Social Science, 3(04), 806-818. Retrieved from